About Us



Trans Defense Fund Los Angeles (TDFLA) is a mutual aid group that was created in response to the disproportionate violence that trans women of color face. (We are not a non-profit!)


One in five trans women report feeling threatened or harassed on an almost daily basis, and 45% of trans women and men report feeling threatened or harassed weekly, compared to 19% of cisgender people. The estimated life expectancy of a Black trans woman is only 35 years old. We need to step it up and do more to protect our trans siblings.


Trans Defense Fund LA provides trans individuals living in Los Angeles with safety kits. Through donations from individuals in our community, we have been able to supply 2,500 individuals with safety kits to date!


When we are able to, we also host self-defense classes and partner with various initiatives in our Los Angeles community to provide the trans community with free resources, whether that's a free meal from a local eatery or a free beauty and wellness bag.


Transgender women of color were the leaders in LGBTQ+ activism before, during, and after the uprising at the Stonewall Inn 53 years ago, but they have never been put at the center of the movement they helped start. We need to continue to support trans folks and fight against the epidemic of violence against Black and brown trans women. The combination of racism and transphobia leaves our sisters unprotected and in harm’s way. It is our mission to make sure that trans women especially feel protected.


Thank you all for supporting this work and being a part of collective care. Contact transdefensefundla@gmail.com for any inquiries.